Take care bro. I guess we'll be missing you. Till I see you again, best friend of my life.

Cool shit! Singapore, why so slow?
Hey, you. Smile. Because that's the second best thing you can do with your lips.

7 May is less than 2 days away. Fedde Le Grand and Steve Aoki spinning on the same night. So get your Dim Maks and Chucks ready for the weekend.
And happy birthday, Eddie baby! :D
"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did."
"When Allah takes something from your grasp. He's not punishing you but merely opening your hands to recieve something better."
"The will of Allah will never take you to where the Grace of Allah will not protect you."
Well, I've never believed in chain messages. But I just find this particular message very meaningful, applicable and it's something I have always believed in. It says something good will happen to me in a form of new job, bla bla bla. I did not forward it to any being. Not waking up for work today got Ah Poh real mad. But I get a new part-time job at Ayam Penyet Ria. Just a few hours after reading the message. Haha!
Ya Allah, walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses. And please watch over and heal my family and loved ones.
I'm nineteen. Technically, my last teenage year. And it's that period of time where I actually start to really think about what I really want in life. I really do think a lot these days. NS. Studies. I need a new definition for 'joy' so I can stop ruining my life. Life's a journey. Throughout this interesting journey of mine, perhaps I need a partner who would make it all so meaningful.
Dearest mysterious, you make me wanna dive deeper.
You got so much potential to make me drown so bad.
But it's a risk I've been longing to take.
It has been a fight already.
So much controversy.
Too bad, I coped so well.