Brother Bear and me were homeless for about 2 days. Okay, tanak over. Not exactly homeless. We just didn't go home for 2 days. Had short naps at nenek's crib. And it's all Shadam's fault. Here's the long, long story (nak type pon malas):
I was on my way home with Nawari from training. As usual, I would meet up the SC guys to chill before I head home. So I called them to ask where they are. While I was on the phone with Arep Small, I heard a commotion at the background. And Arep said, "Naek bus trun pat Westgrove sane. Shadam buat hal! Linca, k bye!"
When Nawari and me reached the westgrove area, Shadam's collar was already torn and he had bumps and bruises on his face. He had stolen Rafie's expensive phone, Rafie's money and Kader's money too. Rafie's phone was sold to a Chinaman. We were so pissed. A few had already throw punches on that fat bastard. What kind of a friend would steal his/her own friend's property for money? So stupid! Reminds me of someone I know in primary school. And it's not the first time that Shadam created trouble and pissed us off. This stinky guy's attitude really stinks. And we just can stand it anymore.
So we got hold of him and he finally admitted. We had a real long talk with him. He kept making up stupid stories and ended up getting beaten even more. Finally, we decide to call his uncle. His uncle agreed to pay Rafie a sum of money. By the time, it was already 3am. So my parents were unreasonably pissed with me and my brother despite explaining that we were busy, helping a friend in need! So we decided to stay away from home until just now.
Shadam, we've been controlling our anger cos we pity you. But sympathy just won't work on you. It makes you worse. So I guess you deserved what you got. Stop troubling your family members and friends. Now you're still interested in hanging out with us. And we don't mind. We're kind enough to accept you. Just stop annoying people and do stupid things.
Okay, it's now over so who cares.. My first prime league match for NFA is tomorrow. And I'm not nervous or excited about it, suprisingly. And see you tomorrow, Sukashi! :)